A wedding!

The Back Story

Kate was a wide-eyed graduate student at the London School of Economics when she met a well-dressed and charismatic Indian man named Ashwin (see: The Groomsmen). The two became fast friends and Ashwin thought to himself how perfectly Kate would get along with his former college roommate. Said former roommate, Lee, was alone and lonesome in New York City, working inhumane hours for inhumane pay at the Council on Foreign Relations. As fate would have it, both Ashwin and Kate soon moved back to New York. Ashwin devised social occasions to bring Lee and Kate into each other's orbits. And so they met. Despite several "chance" encounters coordinated by Ashwin, it was several months before the requisite ice was broken and the couple started dating. This can be chalked up, primarily, to Lee's social bumbling. Luckily, once things got going, Kate, in her demonstrative way, took the reins, and the couple fell hopelessly in love--the googly-eyed, mushy-brained, make-your-friends-annoyed-at-you kind of love that you read about on cheesy wedding websites but assume doesn't actually exist. It does.

Pictures of Lee & Kate:

K&L hanging out in Chicago (why is Lee drinking Fresca? and why are there so many bandages on Kate's hand?)

K&L in Mexico City during swine flu scare


K&L at a wedding (not theirs!)

The Bridesmaids & Flower Gals

For those of you in the Hines clan--so that's most of you--these names will be familiar.

The Bridesmaids:

Nell Ryder (Muffin)

Amanda Lowe

Meredith Lowe

The Flower Girls:

Maureen Hines

Carrie Hines

Sarah Bowman


The Groomsmen

Less familiar:


William Teslik (Muffin)

Ashwin Jacob

Jake Ryder